如何选茶 Choose Tea


***** 按香型挑选*****

*喜欢高香型的:可以从雪片茶入手,比如$35的雪片蜜兰香,$40的雪片芝兰香,$55 雪片鸭屎香 $55的雪春蜜兰香,$60的特级芝兰香,$70的雪春鸭屎香。这几款茶都是非常适合喜欢高清香的茶友,真正领略到为什么把“凤凰单丛”叫“茶中香水”













How to choose tea?

***** Select by fragrance *****

*If you like high-flavor type: You can start with snow flake tea, such as $35 snow flake honey orchid, $40 snow flake orchid incense, $55 snow flake duck shit incense, $55 snow spring honey orchid incense, $60 premium zhilan incense, $70 Snow spring duck feces fragrance. These teas are very suitable for tea lovers who like high-definition fragrance. I really understand why "Phoenix Dancong" is called "Tea Perfume"

*Those who like strong fragrance: the strong fragrance here is completely different from the high fragrance. Tea lovers can consider spring tea, such as $45 next year old spring honey orchid, $45 old fire spring tea honey orchid, $55 next year old spring chi orchid, $65 leading old cong honey orchid, $85 alpine honey orchid incense etc.

*Like the fragrance type: The so-called fragrance refers to the smell of a special tea variety, and you can feel the alpine charm in the entrance. This charm can be felt in the throat, and the entrance is very comfortable, but after the throat, you can feel it. It hangs on the throat and lasts for a long time. The aroma can be condensed at the bottom of the throat, and it is very comfortable. For example, the $85 Alpine Honey Orchid Incense, the $95 Wudao Duck Feces Incense, the $100 Wudao Yelai Incense, and the $110 Wudao Gong Incense, $120 Wudao Saw Duozi, $160 Wudao Pitou, $165 Wudao Duck Scent, 190 Baxian, etc.

*In addition, there is also a pleasant fragrance, which can be said to be a high-level fragrance. This is the physical feeling that it brings to you after drinking tea. It is no longer good or bad. It is the sublimation of the whole person after drinking tea, which is very relaxing. The mood is very happy, the mood is high and the air is refreshing, the kind of comfort is difficult to describe in words, only my own experience, such as the $160 Pitou, the $190 Baxian, the $200 Ao Fuhou, the $220 Gaishanxiang, the $260 Tongtianxiang , $280 Lao Xianweng, $320 Dongfanghong, etc.

*****Pick by Price*****

*With the $85 alpine honey orchid as the dividing line, the above are all spring teas from the high mountains or Wudao Mountain. The spring tea is picked only once a year, and the rest of the time is left to grow freely by the tea tree, with little manual intervention, usually manual weeding, Ensure that the soil nutrients of tea trees are not absorbed by weeds.

*The tea below $85 is medium and low mountain tea, which can be picked all year round, generally divided into first spring, second spring, summer tea, autumn tea, snow flakes, snow spring, etc. Spring tea has high yield and good quality , the tea soup is moist; the snow tea has a strong aroma and is the most fragrant tea; the summer tea and the autumn tea are more bitter and boring.

*****Select by tea age*****

*New tea lovers, who have no experience with tea, you can drink our entry-level snowflake tea. This variety is very friendly to tea lovers. It does not require any tea drinking experience or strict tea making skills. It only needs 100 degrees. Just enjoy brewing.

*Tea friends who have some experience in drinking tea can start with spring tea, both in the new year and in the old spring. The spring tea of ​​Fenghuang Dancong Tea is mainly to taste its delicate tea soup, and it feels like it passes through the mouth and throat.


*Tea lovers who have high quality requirements should try our alpine teas above $85. Phoenix Dancong tea has a unique alpine rhythm. It is a good quality tea with a small amount. It only depends on the interpersonal relationship of the tea shop owner in the spring tea season. The good tea that can only be grabbed with the ability is also the treasure of the owner of the major Phoenix tea shops. The Eight Immortals, Empress Aofu, Gaishanxiang, Tongtianxiang, Laoxianweng and Dongfanghong are all worth trying and owning.

In addition: Fenghuang Dancong tea does not need a purple clay pot, the best way to make tea is the Gaiwan made in Chaozhou, and the travel time tea set is also a good choice. Ceramics can restore and activate the fragrance of single-clump tea very well, and the lid of the bowl can store and smell the fragrance very well, which is an important method to identify the quality of tea.


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